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在长城露营(Camping on the Great Wall)

上传时间:2019-04-22 15:31:03


贡献者: Jeff



在长城露营,很简单,也是最棒的经历!且慢,3个小时跋山涉岭,拾阶而上,那么多阶梯,感叹我这把岁数。很高兴能向中国的朋友们展示下我的这个经历,我又一次深深地爱上了这个国家(Camping on the Great Wall! Quite simply, the most amazing experience ever. But boy - three hours’ hiking up the mountain and climbing those bloody steps ..... I am feeling my age. So nice to show friends around China. I’ve fallen in love with the country all over again)(记录日期:2019年8月12日)。

  • Camping on the Great Wall!
  • Camping on the Great Wall!
  • Camping on the Great Wall!
  • Camping on the Great Wall!
  • Camping on the Great Wall!
  • Camping on the Great Wall!
  • Camping on the Great Wall!
  • Camping on the Great Wall!
  • Camping on the Great Wall!